O que significa cayo perico duo amigo?

I think I found the shack, to the east of the airport on a little road that forks off to the north. Pavel asked me to take a photo of something (presumably the hut but I wasn't really listening). I've taken a bunch of pictures but nothing triggers the "Send to Pavel" option 

Unlock the basement gate with your key. There are two guards in the basement, take them out, then carry the crate of explosives back to your car.

Apex Legends new standing emotes have arrived with a bug that allows players to move around while performing them, leaving enemies confused.

However, not all players will go for all the bells and whistles, so $2 million is roughly the average amount they will have to throw. On top of that, depending upon the players' approach, certain vehicles like the Annihilator Stealth Chopper might set the player back by a bit more.

Get the cutting powder, climb on top of the water tower, there is a hatch you can interact with. Weakens the guards during heist.

Further, Tufi also used cheats like aimbot, making him near impossible to beat. Shiv actually eliminated him in a game not too long ago, which caused an emotive response from the streamer that almost got him banned on Twitch.

Will add for non-solo players, this pretty much works the same except you should scout out the loot in the villa itself instead of near the docks, and try your best to get as much gold as possible, 3 for every 2 members, and avoid cash and weed like the plague.

Another important point of interest. Players will need to take a picture of each grappling hook while making sure the guards on watch have pelo idea what's happening. The grappling equipment is placed near the bolt cutters.

Once outside, if you get spotted from here on out you will be dragged back to the party, so watch out for the vision cones of guards on your mini-map.

While players may choose to explore straight into the heist right after the introduction on the island, they may also grab all POIs to get more opportunities and options to snatch great loot.

The sparrow is unironically as useful as a MkII, with its biggest weakness being PvP due to lack of countermeasure, for grinding its actually arguably better since its faster, but can still be spawned ontop of you from the menu.

If you decide to use brute force to force your way in, take out the guards outside the office first, then head inside to reach the mission floor.

You’ll unlock them all by thoroughly viewing the cameras in the first mission, except for the Drainage Tunnel.

Made the blips small check here to help give a more accurate assumption of where it should be so you may want to open in new tab or save it to zoom in.

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